Exploring Earthquake Processes Through Models and Experiments

Patrick Bianchi addresses one of the most complex challenges in geophysics: improving our ability of forecasting natural and induced earthquakes.
Importance of Water-Clay Interactions for Fault Slip in Clay-Rich Rocks by Rast et al.
Researchers at the RMPLab are using rock deformation experiments to better understand the frictional strength of clay-rich rocks in the presence of a polar fluid.
Diffusion Creep of Sodic Amphibole-Bearing Blueschist Limited by Microboudinage by Tokle et al.
Researchers at the RMPLab use rock deformation experiments and microstructural analyses to better understand the mechanical properties of amphibole-bearing rocks.
Laboratory acousto-mechanical study into moisture-induced changes of elastic properties in intact granite” by Wu et al.
Researchers at the RPMLab used a combination of laboratory methods to better understand the effects of moisture ingress into nano-porous granites.
Paul Antony Selvadurai (Senior Researcher) gave a webinar to the Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG).
The CIG Webinar Series draws from a pool of experts from mathematicians, to computer scientists, and to geoscientists, among others to bring together a cross-cutting community of faculty, students and researchers to both inform and disseminate knowledge on the tools and methodologies employed to further the study of problems in geodynamics.